Maintain composure when one's cards do not bode well is an art. Subtle cues must be avoided lest tells arise unbidden. Microexpressions and involuntary gestures must be kept in check through conscious effort and discipline. Though the odds may seem poor, the game continues apace, lives remain in the balance with each new deal.
Prudence demands avoidance of dismay or delight alike, both could spell trouble. The adept player retains an inscrutable mien, ambiguous and unfathomable. Luck may change as swiftly as the wind, mastery of countenance through practiced will is the surest strategy. While cards concede nothing, a poker face always does.
Prudence demands avoidance of dismay or delight alike, both could spell trouble. The adept player retains an inscrutable mien, ambiguous and unfathomable. Luck may change as swiftly as the wind, mastery of countenance through practiced will is the surest strategy. While cards concede nothing, a poker face always does.