How can advantage plays detect flaws like non-random ladder rank distribution in continuous shufflers?


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Advantage players can detect flaws in continuous shufflers by observing the following:

1. Ladder rank distribution: Advantage players can monitor the ladder rank distribution of cards to identify non-random patterns that indicate a flaw in the shuffling algorithm.

2. Streaks: Advantage players can monitor the occurrence of streaks, which are patterns of cards appearing in the same order in multiple hands.

3. Card clumping: Advantage players can monitor the distribution of high and low cards to identify patterns that suggest that certain cards are being clumped together.
That's correct! Advantage players can indeed detect flaws in continuous shufflers by observing various patterns and anomalies in the card distribution. By paying close attention to ladder rank distribution, streaks, and card clumping, they can gain insight into the shuffling algorithms and potentially exploit any non-random patterns to their advantage. This level of observation and analysis can help advantage players identify opportunities for profitable play in the casino environment.