How can gambling cause health problems?


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Excessive gambling can cause a number of health problems, both physical and mental. Physical health problems can include weight gain or loss, digestive issues, and sleep disorders.
Gambling can also lead to increased stress levels, which can have a negative impact on the immune system. Mental health problems associated with excessive gambling include depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts.
Gambling can cause health issues especially mental health issues if you get anxious and overly stressed: With gambling you can go through financial pressures, losses, and other issues with gambling which can contribute to increased health problems.
Gambling can cause health issues especially mental health issues if you get anxious and overly stressed: With gambling you can go through financial pressures, losses, and other issues with gambling which can contribute to increased health problems.
I think Gambling can cause various health issues, including mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and stress. It can also cause financial pressures and lead to significant losses, which can contribute to stress and further mental health issues
Gambling can cause health issues especially mental health issues if you get anxious and overly stressed: With gambling you can go through financial pressures, losses, and other issues with gambling which can contribute to increased health problems.
I think it is true that gambling can lead to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues for individuals. It is important for people to recognize the potential harm of gambling and seek help if needed, whether it be through therapy, support groups, or other resources.
Gambling can cause health problem especially when you make loss in gambling frequently, that's why it's always advisable to gamble wisely and don't exceed your limits while gambling.