How can greed cause gambling addiction?


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Greed can play a role in gambling addiction because it can lead people to constantly chase bigger wins and take bigger risks. When someone becomes consumed by the desire for more money and thinks that gambling is the way to achieve it, they may ignore the negative consequences and continue to gamble even when it becomes harmful.
That is why it is important to recognize the dangers of greed and maintain a healthy perspective on gambling.
I think Greed is the number one cause of gambling addiction. gambling addiction comes with the desire to win and win more daily. Greed lead people to constantly chase bigger wins and take bigger risks. At the end of the day you are neck deep into gambling and can't stop it
Greed is actually the number one detrimental factors in gambling , the gambler should actually stop Been too greedy , they should actually understand that the scope of gambling entails a lot , the desires to which they gamble matters more