Never bet with your heart, always bet with your head. Do the math on the odds before putting down chips. If the numbers don't add up, don't bet.
Take advantage of the free odds. Place the minumum to win and the odds bet gives you a better chance to come out ahead. Every dollar helps!
I quit smoking years ago but still keep the winnings in a separate "casino fund." The money solely for games stays in that fund and the rest of my money stays home.
Don't get too cocky if you get on a hot streak. I've seen players get on a role then next thing you know they're buying drinks for the entire pit crew! Your luck will turn, it always does.
Know when to walk away and call it a night. Nothing stateside seems as fun as a big win at the tables but bill collectors don't care about your casino funds!
Take advantage of the free odds. Place the minumum to win and the odds bet gives you a better chance to come out ahead. Every dollar helps!
I quit smoking years ago but still keep the winnings in a separate "casino fund." The money solely for games stays in that fund and the rest of my money stays home.
Don't get too cocky if you get on a hot streak. I've seen players get on a role then next thing you know they're buying drinks for the entire pit crew! Your luck will turn, it always does.
Know when to walk away and call it a night. Nothing stateside seems as fun as a big win at the tables but bill collectors don't care about your casino funds!