How can I use the house edge to my advantage?



The house always has the edge in casino games like roulette, right? So instead of fighting it, use it to your benefit. Here's how smart players put the edge to work for them:

Compare the edge percentages for different bets and only make the bets with the lowest edge. If the edge is 5.26% for streets but 2.60% for singles, stick to the singles. The lower edge means less of your money goes to the house in the long run.

Promotions and bonuses that lower the edge, even temporarily, gotta be used to your advantage. Sometimes casinos will sweeten the pot to bring in more action by boosting payouts on certain games or giving out free bets. Don't pass up any opportunity to shave that edge down.

Think about how the edge impacts your bankroll and make it last longer. A smaller edge means you can play for more hours before going bust. You get more enjoyment out of your money. Compare edges to see how fast they drain your stack so you can play accordingly.

Adjust the size of your bets based on the current edge, not just the payout odds. Bump your bet size up only if the edge gets smaller at the same time. This keeps risk balanced on each spin so excitement levels remain the same but less money's on the line. Subtle edge decreases add up over time.

Look for any "value" bets with slightly better odds than the standard options. For example, betting on columns 1-3 or 4-6 in roulette covers more numbers so the edge is edged down a bit. These types of bets won't drastically change things but any edge decrease helps.

Watch for number repetitions since there's no real pattern. Our brains make it seem like numbers that haven't come up in a while are "due". Bet on them for the perception of lower edge. The house rules only care about the total unfavorable outcomes, not the specifics. This psychological trick can provide a small real advantage.

Make multiple smaller bets instead of big bets whenever possible. This lowers your risk exposure since less money's tied up in any single outcome. It's an opportunity to make more plays at a lower average risk. Look for ways to stay active at the table with more small bets.

Use the edge to gain an edge. Play the odds and work the math to your favor. Tip the tables, at least a little, through savvy strategy. Can't beat the house in the long run, but the edge provides chances to win a few hands along the way.