How do a beginner tear champions at the poker tables?



To beat the sharks, kid, you got to start small. Learn the basics, know when to fold ‘em. Study the players, not just the cards. See how they bet when they’re bluffin’ or holding blue chips.

Position is power, so get a seat at the head table. But don’t make a habit of it, or the big stack laughter’ll know your tell. Start with limit games and work your way up as you get the hang of it. Play tight but aggressive, bait thebig dogs into river bets then make ‘em dance.

Win some, lose some—that’s poker. Stay patient, the wins'll come. And watch out for cheaters and card counters, they'll rob ya blind if ya ain't careful. But luck and skill will get ya places a beginner ain't never seen. Now get in there and remember—the only way to lose at poker is to stop playin’.