Casinos ensure transparency and accountability in their financial transactions through a combination of regulatory compliance, internal controls, and technological solutions. They adhere to strict anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements, conducting thorough due diligence on customers and monitoring transactions for suspicious activity. Additionally, casinos implement robust internal controls, such as segregation of duties and regular audits, to prevent fraud and ensure the integrity of financial processes. Technological solutions, including advanced surveillance systems and transaction monitoring software, are deployed to detect and deter illicit activities in real-time. Moreover, casinos may participate in industry initiatives and information-sharing networks to stay abreast of emerging threats and best practices in combating financial crime. By prioritizing transparency and accountability, casinos demonstrate their commitment to preventing illicit activities and maintaining the integrity of their operations. How do you think advancements in technology could further enhance transparency and accountability in financial transactions within casinos?