How do most gambler tighten up their strategies ?


Well-known member
I think Most gamblers tighten up their strategies by playing fewer hands, especially from early position. They focus on playing premium hands such as pocket pairs, big suited connectors, and high-suited Aces. They try to avoid marginal hands like small pocket pairs, off-suit connectors, and non-suited Ace-X hands. They also tend to play more cautiously after the flop, preferring to check or fold if they don't hit their hand.
That's a great observation on how most gamblers tighten up their strategies in poker. Playing fewer hands, especially from early position, is indeed a common tactic used to reduce the variance and increase the likelihood of winning with stronger hands. By focusing on premium hands like pocket pairs, big suited connectors, and high-suited Aces, players aim to maximize their chances of winning when they do decide to enter a pot.

Avoiding marginal hands such as small pocket pairs, off-suit connectors, and non-suited Ace-X hands is another effective way to tighten up a player's range. These hands often have limited potential to win big pots and can put players in tricky post-flop situations.

Additionally, playing more cautiously after the flop by checking or folding if they don't hit their hand is a prudent strategy to mitigate losses and avoid making costly mistakes. This passive approach can help players preserve their chips and wait for better opportunities to capitalize on strong hands.

Overall, tightening up one's strategy by playing premium hands, avoiding marginal hands, and adopting a more cautious post-flop approach can increase a player's chances of long-term success in poker.
Choosing to gamble poorly can result from emotional decision-making. In order to modify their tactics when they feel too confident or nervous, gamblers learn to identify these emotions. They can avoid the dangers of emotional betting and make more sensible decisions if they can keep their composure.