How do one evaluate and assess progress in gambling?.



To every activities man indulge in, three is a goal why he's doing it. He don't just engage in such activities for fun or leisure. As a result of this, from time to time, he needs to evaluate and assess himself on order to know if his activities are still within the corridor of his goals. He needs to convinced himself he had not gone beyond the goal of his ambition. Evaluation is necessary in order to serve as an indicator to our goal. We shouldn't just be engaging in gambling for the mere reason of making money alone. You must have concrete goals before engaging in gambling. It is this goals that would form your basis of gambling management.
It is very easy to evaluate and assess progress in gambling when you evaluate your present standings in the game. Are you progressing or retrogressing?. Your performance in the last few moments compared with your previous performances would determine either progress is made or not. Some measured their ratings with the status of their financial positions.