How do open-enders compare to inside straight draws?



Open-enders and inside straight draws are both speculative hands, but they differ in important ways. Open-enders like open-ended straight draws and open-ended flush draws have more potential to improve to make a good hand. They offer more potential for a big reward. Inside straights require more specific and rare cards to complete. Also, openers offer more opportunity to draw additional cards and improve, while inside straights often need to catch their straight on the flop. In summary, openers give you more chances to "catch" due to their flexibility at the cost of a higher chance of busting, while inside straights have less potential but require less "help" to realize their reward.
The quantity of potential outs is the primary distinction between the two. Since the straight can be completed by four cards of each rank, open-enders have eight chances to win. On the other hand, since there is only one certain card rank that can finish the straight, inside straight draws only have four outs.

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