Emotion plays important role in the aspect of gambling. The state of your mind would determine your level of emotion. When emotion is unable to be controlled, it develops into anxiety and finally into fearnes.
A gambler must see gambling as an Entertainment that all hope to make money must not be put on. Failure to do this, would have negative effects. During gambling, you must zero your mind on probability of winning o losing and which ever one that come must be taken in good faith. Don't aways be optimistic in your game otherwise, you Wil be dejected when the opposite result come. Be firm and unmoved in your gambling career.
A gambler must see gambling as an Entertainment that all hope to make money must not be put on. Failure to do this, would have negative effects. During gambling, you must zero your mind on probability of winning o losing and which ever one that come must be taken in good faith. Don't aways be optimistic in your game otherwise, you Wil be dejected when the opposite result come. Be firm and unmoved in your gambling career.