How do you determine if calling with AK or folding for an extra 10BB is the +EV move?



Pot odds first. How big is the pot? How many callers likely? If huge pot potential folding 10 BB probably wins. Small pot, AK stays in.

Pay position and tendencies. Late position tight/aggro folds. Early position I call AK. Loose passive players call wide, fold AK weaker.

Marginal hands but playable AK. Could improve to best hand, be outdrawn/flopped too. Balancing probabilities.

Reads and conditions count. Subtle plays, tired/drunk players, stack sizes. Aggressive table, AK benefits from bigger pot. Tight table, fold AK.

Ultimate goal: estimate EV of calling AK vs folding 10 BB. Includes odds developing hand and future win probability/size. Sometimes 10 BB bigger EV, sometimes AK bigger EV, sometimes close choice.

Experience sees these spots instantly. Intuition weights all factors for optimal play. Don't simplify to clear winners, perceive all considerations.

Target choice +EV, long/short view. This hand result or impact on how table perceives plays going forward. Professional play strategically adapts.

Too much analysis overcomplicates. Simple but thorough perspective percentages possibilities and impacts. Finds micro-edges, wins at margins. Mastery because expertise perceiving layers of nuance, not one-dimensional thinking.