How do you play poker better, drunk or sober?



There ain’t no playing poker ‘better’ once you’ve had a few. But some would argue playing drunk leads to looser, more entertaining poker. Me though, I’ve always been a taut player - I play my best poker when I’m stone cold sober.

When yer drunk, everything seems funnier and less serious. Bad beats don’t seem to sting so bad, and raising just seems like a swell idea after a few whiskey shots. Problem is, the way you read other players and calculate the odds starts getting fuzzy. You miss key tells, make dumb calls, and end up losing your sticky pot more often than not.

A sober mind is a winning mind at the poker table. You see everything clearer, think straighter, and ain’t got that whiskey fog clouding your judgment. Every bet and bluff is calculated to maximize value. You can keep the whole hand, odds and players in perspective. There’s no sloppy play or foolish risks.

So crack open a cold one by all means, lord knows a beer or two makes the night go by faster and the games more memorable. But if you want to maximize your winnings and leave the table a winner, you keep your wits about you and play sober. Poker and whiskey is a heady cocktail, but skill and sobriety is the real winning hand!