The Small Road, also known as the "Small Scorecard" or "Bead Plate," is a component of scoreboards used in baccarat to track the game's history and outcomes. It provides a condensed view of the results, specifically focusing on the patterns of Player and Banker wins.
Here's how you can read the Small Road:
Symbols: The Small Road uses symbols to represent the outcomes. The most common symbols are:
"P" or "Player": Represents a Player win.
"B" or "Banker": Represents a Banker win.
"T" or "Tie": Represents a Tie outcome.
Grid Layout: The Small Road is displayed as a grid of cells, usually aligned to the right of the Big Road scoreboard. Each cell represents a round or a specific number of hands played.
Bead Placement: The Small Road tracks the sequence of Player and Banker wins and places beads in the cells to represent these outcomes.
Here's how you can read the Small Road:
Symbols: The Small Road uses symbols to represent the outcomes. The most common symbols are:
"P" or "Player": Represents a Player win.
"B" or "Banker": Represents a Banker win.
"T" or "Tie": Represents a Tie outcome.
Grid Layout: The Small Road is displayed as a grid of cells, usually aligned to the right of the Big Road scoreboard. Each cell represents a round or a specific number of hands played.
Bead Placement: The Small Road tracks the sequence of Player and Banker wins and places beads in the cells to represent these outcomes.