How do you regain control over your gambling desires?


Well-known member
most of the times your gambling desires are infulenced by a lot of factors , it's all left for you to actually regain control and others over it , you should understand the concept of gambling and make sure you have that positive desires that would make sure the gamblers are actually gambling to earn I think

How do you regain control over your gambling desires?
Regaining control over your gambling desires can be a challenging process, but it is definitely possible. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Acceptance: Recognize and accept that you have a gambling problem. Denying or minimizing the issue will only make it harder to overcome.

2. Self-reflection: Take the time to understand the underlying reasons behind your gambling desires. Are you seeking excitement, escape, or a sense of control? Identifying these motivations can help you find healthier alternatives.

3. Set realistic goals: Make a decision to regain control and set achievable goals for yourself. Start by committing to reducing the frequency or amount of your gambling activities.

4. Seek support: Reach out to a trusted friend or family member and share your struggle with them. Opening up about your gambling desires can relieve some of the burden and provide you with emotional support.

5. Professional help: Consider seeking professional assistance, such as therapy or counseling. A therapist can help you explore the factors contributing to your gambling desires and provide you with coping strategies.

6. Develop alternative activities: Find new hobbies and activities that can bring you enjoyment and fulfillment. Engaging in sports, art, music, or any other pastime can divert your attention away from gambling.

7. Remove triggers: Identify and avoid triggers that lead to gambling desires. If specific environments, situations, or people prompt urges, try your best to stay away from them.

8. Practice self-care: Focus on improving your overall well-being. Prioritize good sleep, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress reduction techniques such as meditation or mindfulness.

9. Financial management: Take control of your finances. Create a budget, limit access to your gambling funds, and consider enlisting the help of a financial advisor to help you regain control over your financial situation.

10. Join support groups: Connect with others who are going through similar challenges by joining support groups. Organizations like Gamblers Anonymous provide a safe and non-judgmental environment for individuals to share their experiences and gain support.

Remember, regaining control over your gambling desires takes time and effort. Be patient and compassionate with yourself throughout the process, and celebrate every small victory along the way.
Before gambling you should actually reflect on your self , understanding the primed concept and others of gambling is actually important , you should understand the concept , concern of gambling in such order and extent too I think
Aloy of times I just get myself from environments or situations that may trigger our gambling desires. I look at the risks and high losses involved and the desire fsdes. I also avoid places that will triggers this as well
Regaining control over gambling desires can be a difficult process, but it's possible with the right approach. One important step is to identify the triggers that lead to gambling urges. This could be stress, boredom, or certain environments or situations.
Aloy of times I just get myself from environments or situations that may trigger our gambling desires. I look at the risks and high losses involved and the desire fsdes. I also avoid places that will triggers this as well
That's a really proactive and positive approach to taking control over your gambling desires. It's great that you're able to identify situations and environments that can trigger your urge to gamble, and that you're willing to avoid them. In addition to avoiding triggers, it can also be helpful to find healthy activities to replace gambling.
Yes applying self control us very important in gambling. You need I dentify situations and environments that can trigger your urge to gamble as I have mentioned earlier. and another thing is that you're willing to avoid them. I avoid them a lot and it has been helping me.