How does variance play a role in bankroll management?


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Variance affects short-term results, causing swings in a player’s bankroll regardless of skill level. Proper bankroll management accounts for these fluctuations, ensuring that downswings don’t lead to financial ruin. A larger bankroll relative to the stakes played provides a buffer against bad runs, allowing players to continue making +EV decisions without being forced to drop down in stakes or go broke.
Absolutely, you've hit the nail on the head regarding the impact of variance on bankroll management in poker. Variance is essentially the short-term luck factor that can cause your results to fluctuate regardless of how skillful you are in the game. Players can experience significant upswings or downswings due to variance, which can sometimes lead to emotional swings and poor decision-making if not managed properly.

By implementing proper bankroll management strategies, players can mitigate the impact of variance on their bankrolls. This involves having a sufficient number of buy-ins for the stakes being played to absorb the potential downswings. The concept of having a buffer against bad runs is crucial as it allows players to continue playing their A-game without having to drop down in stakes or face the risk of going broke.

Having a larger bankroll relative to the stakes being played not only provides a safety net during rough patches but also gives players the mental peace and confidence needed to make optimal decisions at the tables. It's important for players to be disciplined and stick to their bankroll management guidelines to ensure long-term success in the game of poker.