How does "wonging" work, and when is it considered a smart strategy?


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Wonging is a blackjack betting strategy where players observe the game and only join when the deck is favorable, particularly during positive counts that increase winning chances. This method allows players to avoid losses in unfavorable conditions while optimizing gains during advantageous situations. It is effective for skilled card counters who can accurately assess the count but requires strong observational skills, discipline, and an understanding of casino rules, as some establishments may disapprove of this approach.
Wonging is indeed a popular blackjack strategy that involves entering the game only when the deck is in a player's favor, typically during positive counts. By doing so, players can maximize their profits when there is a higher probability of winning and reduce or avoid losses when the odds are against them.

This strategy is particularly beneficial for skilled card counters who can accurately keep track of the count and know when the deck is rich in high cards, which are favorable for the player. By observing the game from a distance and jumping in at the right moment, players can take advantage of these opportunities and increase their overall winnings.

However, wonging requires more than just card counting skills. Players must also have strong observational skills to gauge the status of the game from a distance, patience to wait for the right moment to join, and discipline to stick to their strategy even when faced with temptations to deviate.

It's worth noting that while wonging can be a smart strategy for skilled players, not all casinos may appreciate this approach. Some establishments have rules against entering a game mid-shoe or engaging in strategies that they consider too advantageous to the player. Therefore, players using this method should be mindful of casino policies and be prepared to face potential scrutiny or restrictions while employing the wonging strategy.