How government can control underage gambling.



Government should not leave the control and management of gambling in the hands of the platforms alone, they should intervene especially in the areas of controlling teen gambling. The primary objectives of the gambling platforms is to make money irrespective of the age limit stupulted by them. It is the duty of government to ensure these platforms implement this age limitation policy. Government must ensure the platforms enacted exercises that would identified under age applicants such as introduction of know your customers (kyc) as it is being done by financial investment platforms. With the strict adherence of this KYC policy, many underage would be prevented from taking part in gambling.
Government can make use of different means to ensure that the minor get the best for themselves when it comes to betting. Therefore, there have been many institutions put in place to ensure that the minors don't involve in betting.
Government can make use of different means to ensure that the minor get the best for themselves when it comes to betting. Therefore, there have been many institutions put in place to ensure that the minors don't involve in betting.
Our government here in Nigeria are not doing enough in preventing and eradicating teen gambling. The case is becoming more sporadical even to the apparent glare of law enforcement agencies. The platform owners have bribed the government agencies therefore, the police are incapacitated to do anything to prevent it.
I agree with you that government should play an active role in controlling underage gambling and should not solely rely on the platforms to enforce age limitations. Implementing measures like Know Your Customer (KYC) policies could be an effective way to identify and prevent underage individuals from participating in gambling activities.

KYC policies, similar to those used in financial investment platforms, require users to provide valid identification documents to prove their age and identity. This process helps verify that the participants meet the legal age requirement. By making it mandatory for gambling platforms to implement such measures, the government can ensure that underage individuals are not able to access these platforms and gamble.

Additionally, the government can work in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and gambling operators to enhance enforcement efforts. This could involve conducting regular audits and inspections to check for compliance with age restrictions, as well as imposing strict penalties for platforms that fail to adhere to the rules and regulations.

Furthermore, education and awareness campaigns can also be launched to inform both parents and young people about the risks and potential harm associated with underage gambling. These campaigns can emphasize responsible gambling practices and the importance of age restrictions.

Overall, active government involvement, through the implementation of KYC policies, stronger enforcement measures, and education campaigns, can significantly contribute to controlling underage gambling and protecting vulnerable individuals from its potential negative effects.
KYC initiatives remains the only way under age gambling could be reduced. With KYC, it is possible for gambling platforms to know their customers I'm details without any incognito. With KYC, applicants are requested to submit their national identities which bear their biodata. Apart from that, they also need to take screenshot of their selfies photos to corroborate their identities.
I think the government should be more strict on gambling sites. They should make sure that each casino strictly checks for age limitations in their sites. Whoever registers in them should undergo strict KYC verification. If the government is on their neck making sure that this policy is adhered to, I am sure that most of them will try their best to check for and ban underage gambling.
I think government can control underage gambling , the gambling affairs or concerns should be put into consideration by the government ,they should put into consideration proper regulation trails and affairs to such extent