How is a "side pot" created in a poker hand?



In a poker hand, how is a "side pot" made?

When one or more players are all-in in a poker hand but have varying stacks of chips or money, a side pot is established. When a player does not have enough chips to cover a bet or raise in full, it happens.

A side pot is made as follows:

The initial pot, known as the "main pot," is made up of all the chips or cash that players who are still in the hand and have more chips than the player(s) who went all-in have contributed. These are the players who either matched or increased the all-in wager.

When a player raises all-in while there are still other players left with more, this is known as a side pot.
The players who cover the all-in bet or raise will continue to bet any additional chips in the main pot, while the additional wagers form a new pot that is separate from the main pot. This pot is known as the "side pot."

Players who are all-in cannot win any bets or raises beyond their remaining chips. They are only eligible to win the main pot or any side pots that they contributed to before going all-in.

The players who are still in the hand after the all-in player(s) have made their bets will continue to bet into the side pot. The winner of the main pot will be determined first, and then the side pot will be awarded to the player with the best hand among those remaining in the hand.

In summary, a side pot is made when one or more players who are all-in do not have enough chips to cover the full bet or raise. The additional wagers form a new pot that is separate from the main pot and is known as the side pot. Players who are all-in are only eligible to win the main pot or any side pots that they contributed to before going all-in.
In poker, a side pot is created when one or more players are all-in, meaning they have wagered all of their chips or money, and there is still betting action remaining among the other players who have more chips.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how a side pot is created:

Pre-Flop: Players at the table receive their hole cards, and the first round of betting occurs.

Flop: The dealer places three community cards face-up on the table. Another round of betting takes place.

Turn: The dealer adds a fourth community card to the table, and another round of betting occurs.

River: The dealer places a fifth and final community card on the table, followed by the last round of betting.