How Quad Draws Cloud Your Judgment in Omaha



Overreliance on quad draws can cloud a poker player's judgment in Omaha games, costing them dearly in the long run. While quads or straight flushes offer the biggest payoff, waiting on those miracles means missing out on numerous smaller but still profitable hands. Poker is a numbers game, and more hands won means more money made over time. So my question to you is: how can you balance the desire for big quad payoffs with the discipline required to play solid, refrained Omaha that focuses more on playing the strong individual hands your are actually dealt? The key is consistency and avoiding on big score greed that more often than not goes unrewarded. I'm curious for your thoughts and strategies in balancing the lure of monster quads with solid Omaha play.
Players that place an excessive amount of value on quad draws may throw away a sizeable piece of their stack on a hand that may not be as good as they believe. This puts them at risk of getting stranded or having to make tough choices on subsequent streets.