How to act when we collide with a bad beat?



Have you ever had one of those days where luck seems permanently against you? Multiple bad beats and miserable errors keep piling on till you're left frustrated and questioning all your life choices. When the chips are truly down and you feel like quitting, how do you summon the grit to continue battling on?

Do you smash your cards in a rage or steadily chip away at the cost, little by little? Do you seek solace in friends or drown your sorrows privately? There are lessons to be learned even from the darkest of defeats. Success hides within each loss; we must have faith to persevere through every foul and recover stronger. Stay loose, don't get too high or too low. Maintain your discipline and the wins will find their way back to you again. Luck may be blind, but skill sees you through. How do you power on from a bad beat? Share your secrets!

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