How to spot tired and weak players at your Sit & Go table



Do you ever notice certain players at your Sit & Go poker table who seem tired, inattentive and overly chatty? They could represent easy targets. Here are some tells I look for that indicate a player may be weak due to fatigue: excessive yawning, droopy eyelids, staring blankly, fidgeting more than usual and robotic, automatic gameplay. While you shouldn't take advantage of anyone, identifying tired players early could help you adjust your strategy and stack accordingly to give yourself an edge. What other signs do you look for that reveal a player may be off their game due to exhaustion?
In addition to the signs you mentioned, there are a few other things you can look for to spot a tired player at your Sit & Go table. Firstly, players who are taking longer than usual to make decisions or to act can be a sign of fatigue. This can indicate that they are struggling to focus or are mentally drained.

Another sign to look for is players who are making small mistakes that they wouldn't usually make. This could be as simple as misreading their hand or forgetting who is meant to act next. If a player is making these types of mistakes, it could be a sign that they are not fully engaged in the game.

Additionally, if you notice a player who is drinking a lot of caffeine or energy drinks, it's possible they are trying to compensate for their lack of energy and alertness. This could be a sign they are feeling tired and may not be playing at their best.

Overall, it's important to be observant at the table and to look for any signs that players may be struggling with fatigue or exhaustion. While you should never take advantage of another player's weakness, being aware of their state can help you adjust your own gameplay and potentially gain an advantage.