How to tell in 10 seconds if your a losing player or not



Here are 10 seconds of wisdom on tellin' if you're a losin' player or not:

Watch how the player reacts to losin' a big pot. The ones who curse their luck and slam their fists are goners. Winners know the cards don't care about hurt feelin's.

See if they stare at their cards like they're tellin' fortunes. Good players make quick instinctive plays, they don't ponder for minutes on end.

Notice if they call bets just to see the flop. If they're calling any raise just to keep the action goin', avoid 'em. They'rekeepin' bad players in the hand.

Check if the small bets and calls end up compoundin' into a big, dumb loss. Losin' players sprinkle in small losing bets, good players go all in with good odds.

See if they're reckoning up pot odds like a math teacher. Pot odds don't mean spit if the players have got good cards. Winners make plays based on heart, not cold hard figures.

Look for the wide-eyed stare. If a player looks stunned when they end up losing more chips than gainin', avoid sitting at their table. They don't fully grasp the thrill of the risk.

Watch how they act on winning a big pot. Do they act nonchalant like they expected to win it, or bellow like they just won the world championship? Only one type has a chance at the high stakes tables.

Those are ten seconds of wisdom on spotting a losin' player at the poker table. Pay attention to tiny details like these, you'll save yourself losing flesh and blood both. Now get back to dealing, we've got winnin' to do!