How underages could be prevented from gambling activities.



If you check the dashboard of all gambling platforms, you would notice that all of them discourage the participation of young children from participating in gambling. That is why they all stipulated the minimum age every applicants must have attained before eligible for registration. Yet we could notice huge numbers of children are into gambling. The question is " how did they manage to qualify for registration?. The fault is not from the gambling platforms but the children who had not been sincere with their ages during registration. In order to reduce this situafion in future, what do you think gambling platforms should introduce into their system that would help them in identifying the real ages of their applicants?.
Preventing underage gambling is crucial, and gambling platforms must actively take steps to verify the age of their users. Here are some possible measures they can introduce into their systems to identify the real ages of their applicants:

1. Age verification checks: Gambling platforms can implement robust age verification checks during the registration process. This could involve requesting official identification documents, such as passports or identity cards, to verify the applicant's age.

2. Online age verification tools: Platforms could utilize online age verification tools that access reliable databases to cross-reference the provided information during registration. These tools can help verify the authenticity of the information provided by the applicants.

3. Biometric technology: Implementing biometric technology, such as facial recognition or fingerprint scans, can help ensure that the person registering matches the age indicated. This technology is becoming more advanced and can provide a more secure verification process.

4. Parental consent: Platforms can require parental consent for any applicants under a certain age. This could involve obtaining signed consent forms or conducting additional verification checks to ensure parental approval.

5. Random identity checks: Gambling platforms can implement random identity checks on registered users to verify their age. This can act as a deterrent for underage users and reduce the likelihood of them engaging in gambling activities.

6. Education and awareness: Platforms should also focus on educating users, especially parents and guardians, about the risks and consequences of underage gambling. This can help create a culture of responsible gambling and ensure that everyone is aware of the importance of preventing underage access.

It is important for gambling platforms to continuously improve their age verification processes and adopt technology-driven solutions that are effective in identifying underage applicants. By implementing multi-layered verification systems, platforms can enhance their ability to prevent underage gambling and promote a safer gambling environment for all users.
There are some laws that are made against underage betting. This has been one of the ways by which underaged betting and gambling has been reduced to some bearest minimum these days in most countries.
It is even easier to control online than offline. Online betting platforms should just make it part of their requirements that you must complete a KYC with a valid government ID before onboarding your registration. It is harder offline but I think same should be done too.
In offline as well, it is easier for the gambling industries to know someone that is underage. Merely looking at the face and stature can easily let us know or guess the age of some of the gamblers. This as well can be implemented
As in financial businesses activities, all gambling operators must introduce the system of introducing know your customers (KYC) on their customers during registration. This KYC includes making use of national identities such as national passport, identity cards etc.
Similarly, taking selfie snapshot would prevent children in gambling.
It is very difficult to control minor from gambling especially when it comes to online. Nowadays, a lot of gambling sites allow cryptocurrency and don't ask for age check and KYC. It is quite unfortunate and disheartening that bookmarkers are only interested in making money than building a better society.
The underage must learn the effect of gambing. They should stay away from gambling if the prospect is actually focused on earning better , a lot needs to be fixed when it comes to gambing to earn
I believe putting authentication methods into use, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, can assist guarantee that the person enrolling matches the age provided. As the technology develops, it may offer a more secure verification procedure.