How will poker affect your maral nervous system?



Truth is, poker don't much affect my maral system these days. I've been dealin' cards, watchin' wins and losin' bets fer so long now that the thrill ain't quite as strong. Sure, a big hand or maybe a bluff pulled off still gets the old heart pumpin', but reckon at my age and experience level the real excitement comes from outplayin' my opponents, readin' 'em like a book.

When I started pokin' around the tables as a young buck, every hand was a thrill ride. Each pot won felt like bustin' at the seams with pride and joy. Losses stung too, but that's how ya learn. Now I can sit for hours calculatin' odds in my head, like a human odds calculator. The math of poker's become second nature. So no, the nerves don't quite jolt with each turn no more. Just a steady calm, like the slow river always flowin'.