I often lost self-control whenever I play the slot, how do I do this?



The importance of self-control cannot be overemphasized it is highly needed for every gamer to have self-control so that you wouldn't have yourself to blame when you lose control while playing the game because you could lose all your fund with such attributes. When you have self control, you'll be in control of the game and there is every possibility that you would win.
A very important way to get out of this problem is when you manage your bankroll and you have a plan before you even go to the casino to gamble and onece your bankroll are exhausted, you leave immediately.
First of all, I'd like to say that it's very common for people to lose control when they're playing slot machines. The machines are designed to be addictive, and it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget about your budget or time limits. So, you're not alone if you find yourself losing control.