I see 39% of flops. Is this too high or low?



While any single statistic can fluctuate due to the vagaries of chance, a 39% flop equity over a sizable sample is on the higher end of the spectrum for perspectives one might term “aggressive.”

An aggressive player will regularly put more money in the pot with inferior position and holdings, thus increasing the likelihood of seeing additional community cards. There is merit to this approach, as more pots are won by having the best hand at showdown. However, more money also finds its way into the pots of players holding superior starting cards.

For some, 39% flop equity may be an acceptable risk/reward ratio, whereas others may wish to tighten their opening and 3-betting ranges to fall closer to a 35-37% range. In the end, it comes down to personal style and the types of games being played. More cautious play is oft favored in higher LIMIT games, while more daring façades are not uncommon in lower LIMIT contests. But this here poker player would not consider a 39% flop equity figure “too high” or “too low.” It falls within the bounds of a gambling lifetime well spent at the tables.