If you were an animal at the poker table, which animal would you be? And why?



If I had to be any animal sitting down at the poker table, I'd want to be a fox. Foxes got the kind of cunning and cleverness that serves a player real well in poker. They're able to outthink pretty much any opponent by carefully observing the situation, running the numbers, and only making moves that give them an advantage. Just like in poker, foxes don't do nothing reckless or impulsive - they evaluate their options through cold, hard logic and only take actions that benefit them, not because of emotions or impatience.

And you won't find many animals more cautious than foxes. They avoid taking unnecessary risks that might endanger themselves or their whole fox family. Safety and long-term sustainability always come before short-term gains. Same philosophy I try to apply at the poker table. I never bet more money than I can afford to lose or make plays that might undermine my financial security, health and relationships just for a chance at winning a pot. Care and prudence guide all my decisions as a player.