In poker, "soft play" refers to a situation where players do not play aggressively against each other, particularly when they have a personal relationship or vested interest in one another's success. Soft play can occur when friends, family members, or individuals with a pre-existing agreement avoid putting each other in difficult situations or refrain from making aggressive bets or raises against each other.
Soft play is considered unethical and against the spirit of fair competition in poker. It undermines the integrity of the game by providing an unfair advantage to the players involved in the soft play arrangement. Soft play can harm other players at the table who are not part of the collusion, as they do not receive the same competitive playing field.
Soft play is considered unethical and against the spirit of fair competition in poker. It undermines the integrity of the game by providing an unfair advantage to the players involved in the soft play arrangement. Soft play can harm other players at the table who are not part of the collusion, as they do not receive the same competitive playing field.