Indonesia communication ministry urges X social platform to remove online gambling content

The social media platform X's management was forewarned by the Indonesia Ministry of Communication and Informatics to address public grievances regarding the excessive quantity of advertisements for online gambling present on the platform. The letter forbade X Corporation from running advertisements for online gambling.

The ministry also prompted Meta management in Indonesia to remove any online gambling content from the platform right away.

From July 17 to December 30, 2023, more than 805,923 online gambling content was successfully blocked by this agency. IP, application, and shared files are all included in the content.
It's concerning to hear about the excessive quantity of advertisements for online gambling on the social media platform X. The Indonesia Ministry of Communication and Informatics has taken the initiative to address this issue by sending a letter to the management of X Corporation, forbidding them from running advertisements for online gambling.

Furthermore, the ministry has also urged Meta management in Indonesia to remove any online gambling content from the platform immediately. This indicates the seriousness with which the government is approaching the issue of online gambling.

It's commendable that the agency has been able to successfully block over 805,923 pieces of online gambling content from July 17 to December 30, 2023. This includes IP addresses, applications, and shared files. Such proactive measures are important in preventing the spread of online gambling and protecting the public, especially vulnerable individuals, from the harmful effects it can have.

Efforts to curb online gambling are crucial in safeguarding society and mitigating associated issues such as addiction and financial harm. It's important for social media platforms to take responsibility and proactively address the presence of such content on their platforms. The cooperation of X Corporation and Meta in Indonesia will play a significant role in promoting a safer online environment for Indonesian users.

Overall, the actions taken by the Indonesia Ministry of Communication and Informatics to urge X Corporation and Meta to remove online gambling content are important steps towards combating the negative impact of online gambling in the country. Continued efforts and collaboration between the government, social media platforms, and agencies are needed to effectively address this issue.