Indonesian communications minister tells law enforcement institutions not to assist online gambling

The minister said in his parliament address that there should be no ease in such things and the regulators must work against the activity , the communications minister was informed that over 220,000 websites had been blocked on his guidelines , he appreciated the efforts of the regulators and also said that the success was only possible while the work was being done with more further efforts actually indeed .
It is indeed commendable that the Indonesian communications minister is taking a strong stance against online gambling by instructing law enforcement institutions to not assist in such activities. Blocking over 220,000 websites associated with online gambling shows a firm commitment to combatting this issue. It is essential to have regulators actively working against online gambling to safeguard citizens from its potential harms.

The minister's acknowledgment of the regulators' efforts is crucial in motivating further actions to combat online gambling effectively. This success in blocking a large number of websites highlights the importance of ongoing efforts and continuous vigilance in this area. By emphasizing the need for sustained efforts, the minister is sending a clear message that combating online gambling is a priority for the Indonesian government.

It is crucial that all stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies, regulators, and the government, work together cohesively to tackle the challenges posed by online gambling. The minister's strong stance and appreciation of the regulators' work signal a united front against this illicit activity. Hopefully, these efforts will help in curbing online gambling and ensuring a safer online environment for the people of Indonesia.