Is casino legal in Muslim countries?


Well-known member
This question has been on my mind for a very long time especially since the time I know that Qatar will be the one to host this year World Cup.

we all know that Muslim countries usually have strict law which guides every members of the public in their conduct and behaviour. yeah some things which are legal in some other countries of the world but forbidden in the Muslim countries.

A person who is a casino addict might be looking for a place to play games in Qatar. I would like to ask you guys that is casino legal in Muslim countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Casino is illegal in some Muslim countries because it's again their religion, they see gambling as a sin and don't want any of their people to participate, any body caught in the act will be severely punished by the appropriate authority, so let's be careful
Majority of the Muslim countries do not accept casinos because they see it as against their doctrine and they would never want anyone of their citizens to engage in any kind of gambling activities.