Is it possible for the school management to establish the casino in the school premises?



It is not good for schools to establish casinos in the school compound for students to gamble. It will be a kind of distraction for students who are already into gambling and it could be an addiction because by the time they go to classes and they come back to see casino all the time, it could lead to an addiction which is not really a good experience for any student.
You are right I don't think it will he. good idea for casinos to be established in the school premises. if they are not in school premises but students still waste their fees on here I wonder what Whst will happen when they have it inside the school. it will be a distraction.
How could school authority established casino in the school premise?. What moral lesson are they passing to the students?. It is illogical for such to happen and should not be expected. No matter What, it is not going to produce good result among the students. It would make them to be bad products to the society at large.
It will be a bad omen for a school to involve in such an act. What is the importance or usefulness of citing a casino website or industry in a school? For the students or for the teachers to be involving in casino betting?
Students, especially those who are minors, shouldn't be allowed to engage in gambling. That is why age limits are set. Therefore, a casino within the school's premises should be discouraged. Even in universities and colleges where adults study, you won't find casinos in school premises.
Schools have a responsibility to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for their students, and having a casino on campus would go against this mission. Even if the casino was only open to adults, it could still negatively impact the school community by exposing students to gambling at a young age.