Is online casino a scam?



So many people have complained severally that the online casino is a scam . Some of the Casinos as turned to a pyramid scheme. This complaint is just about everywhere on the internet and no one have made a remarkable win in the online casinos. It seems that the hoodlumu are hiding under the umbrella of online casinos to rip people off their hard earned money.
I think that so many people have concluded that the online casino are scams simply because it is susceptible to manipulation and different kinds of atrocities perpetrated in the online casinos.
One thing I can say is that it depends on the site which you are using to play casino game online. Get some of them that are genuine and there are some of them that are pure scam. I think it is very important for the player to be highly vigilant of the site they are going to visit or play game.
It not all the online casino that are scam platform, but they are many fake online gambling website which are not supposed to be allowed to function, as for the legit website they are only few of them which are very hard to see , so we need to be careful when involving our self into online platform
It not all the online casino that are scam platform, but they are many fake online gambling website which are not supposed to be allowed to function, as for the legit website they are only few of them which are very hard to see , so we need to be careful when involving our self into online platform
It is true that not all online casinos are scams . There are record number of them that are very good and I can mention three to four online casinos that are doing very well and are paying winning very promptly.
Truly, there may be some of casino playing online that may be scam but that is not enough to call all of them scam. There are some websites that have truly made their mark and have proven that they are not scam.
Although I have noticed my self that not all casino are scam , that's why I don't qualify casino platform like them and tag them as scam like that ,I believe there are some people that are earning a lot from casino platform and others