Is the lottery 10000 a month tax-free?


Well-known member
I was discussing about monthly lottery winning with one of my friends here because he is working at the lottery company. Is said that lottery of 10,000 dollars is not taxable under the law.

One of the questions I want to ask you is that Is the lottery 10000 a month tax-free? I'll be glad if anyone here can tell me his response to these questions. Thanks in advance.
The answer to this question depends on which lottery you're referring to. In the United States, there are a few different lotteries that offer a monthly payment of $10,000. For example, the New York Lottery offers the game, which pays out a monthly prize of $10,000 for 20 years.
Most of such options are dependent on what type of payment option you choose for your winning actually most of the times the lottery charge you accordingly to the option which is chosen by you