Is true that the casino roulette manager will be happy when the punters lose?



It is a very correct statement that the casino roulette manager is going to be very happy when punters lose . This is when they will make their own profit but if punters keep winning, the casino roulette manager would make profit. This gives the reasons why they would be happy if the punters keep losing the game .
It is a very correct statement that the casino roulette manager is going to be very happy when punters lose . This is when they will make their own profit but if punters keep winning, the casino roulette manager would make profit. This gives the reasons why they would be happy if the punters keep losing the game .
They will try to console the player that lost in the name of fair play, but inwardly the manager would be over the moon because he has obtained profit from another punter, making the dividends even larger