Jake's 58 casino Long Island expansion set to proceed despite concerns

Long Island, New York's Jake's 58 Casino Hotel has been given the go-ahead to expand and renovate the Islandia gaming facility for $200 million. The Islandia Village Board unanimously agreed to give Jake's permission to undergo its first significant renovation since it debuted in May 2017. The construction will increase the racino's space by around 110,000 square feet. With the expansion, Jake's will be able to treble the number of its video lottery terminals, increasing them from 1,000 to 2,000 seats.
Long Island, New York's Jake's 58 Casino Hotel has been given the go-ahead to expand and renovate the Islandia gaming facility for $200 million. The Islandia Village Board unanimously agreed to give Jake's permission to undergo its first significant renovation since it debuted in May 2017. The construction will increase the racino's space by around 110,000 square feet. With the expansion, Jake's will be able to treble the number of its video lottery terminals, increasing them from 1,000 to 2,000 seats.