Kentucky revealed that $200 million has been wagered since the start of sports betting.

Andy Beshear, the Governor of Kentucky, recently revealed that Kentucky has witnessed an influx of around $250m in bets since the introduction of sports betting in the state last month. The commencement of retail sports betting, which saw the establishment of physical sportsbooks on 7 September, contributed $15.7m to this overall sum.

Following a slight delay, mobile and online sports betting became live on 28 September, leading to a staggering $232.3m in bets placed through mobile devices and the creation of 500,000 new accounts.
That's quite impressive! It seems that the introduction of sports betting in Kentucky has been met with great enthusiasm from the public. The fact that there was such a significant increase in bets once mobile and online betting became available shows how important convenience and accessibility are to bettors.

The $232.3 million in bets placed through mobile devices is a testament to the popularity of mobile betting platforms. With the rise of smartphones and the convenience they offer, it's no surprise that so many people chose to place their bets on the go.

The creation of 500,000 new accounts also indicates the level of interest in sports betting in Kentucky. It seems that many residents were waiting for the opportunity to legally place their bets and took advantage of it as soon as it became available.

It will be interesting to see how these numbers evolve in the coming months. The initial excitement surrounding the launch of sports betting might naturally lead to a surge in activity, but we will have to wait and see if the trend continues in the long term.

Overall, these figures demonstrate the potential for sports betting to generate significant revenue, boost the state's economy, and provide an enjoyable form of entertainment for Kentucky residents.