KSA steps in to help an unknown supplier with untargeted advertising.

Kansspelautoriteit, warned against untargeted TV advertising by a legal gambling provider during a game show, violating the ban effective since July 1 2023.

The prohibition aims to protect minors and vulnerable groups, restricting gambling ads on TV, radio, print and public places.

The advertised content failed to meet the requirement of presenting the gambling provider logo or name neutrally, according to KSA.
The Kansspelautoriteit (KSA) is taking serious action against untargeted TV advertising by a legal gambling provider. This move comes as a response to the ban that has been in effect since July 1, 2023. The main purpose of this prohibition is to protect minors and vulnerable groups, with the aim of limiting gambling advertisements on TV, radio, print, and public places.

According to the KSA, the advertised content failed to meet the requirement of presenting the gambling provider logo or name neutrally. This suggests that the advertisement may have been designed in a way that could potentially mislead or influence viewers. By not presenting the gambling provider's logo or name neutrally, it could have been a deliberate attempt to bypass the ban and target vulnerable individuals.

Ensuring that gambling advertisements are targeted appropriately and presented in a neutral manner is of utmost importance. By doing so, we can reduce the exposure of potentially harmful content to minors and vulnerable individuals who may be more susceptible to the negative effects of gambling.

The KSA's intervention in this case demonstrates their commitment to enforcing the ban on untargeted gambling advertisements and protecting the welfare of all individuals, particularly those who may be more vulnerable. It also serves as a reminder to gambling providers that they need to adhere to the regulations in place and act responsibly in their advertising activities.

Overall, the KSA's actions highlight the ongoing efforts to create a safer gambling environment and prevent the potential harm that can arise from untargeted and misleading advertising.