Lose worthily at poker



Losing at poker is par for the course, kid, and ya gotta take it with grit and resolve. When the last card is dealt and them chips are swept away, ya look yourself in the mirror and say “I played my best.” Them losses make the wins that much sweeter.

Lose worthily by staying in the mix as long as ya can. Call bets to see more cards rather than folding early. Take a chance or two that maybe, just maybe, the luck will turn in your favor. Wring every last drop of action from each hand, even if the odds ain't in your favor.

If you play for the thrill, not just to win the pot, then even losing won't leave a sour taste. The game is meant to be enjoyed at any outcome. So chin up, keep your wits about ya, and get back in that chair for the next hand. A worthy opponent always comes back fighting.

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