Lottery Based Company Accused of Targeting Seniors in Sweden

The lottery company selling the tickets have been accused of targeting the elder people via the use of forceful tactics and repeated email tricks , following the accusations , instantly the authorities took the action straightaway and dismissed the ceo while not allowing him to have any chance of visiting his company till he was cleared of he accusation charges , According to reports the targeting was sketchy and users have to call multiple times to end their plans as well
It is really concerning to hear that this lottery company has been accused of targeting elderly people through forceful tactics and repeated email tricks. It's good to see that the authorities have taken quick action by dismissing the CEO and not allowing him to visit the company until the accusations are cleared.

Targeting vulnerable groups, such as seniors, in such a manipulative way is not only unethical but also potentially illegal. It's important for companies to conduct their business in a transparent and respectful manner, especially when dealing with sensitive groups of people.

The fact that users have to call multiple times to end their plans is also troubling. This type of behavior can be frustrating and intimidating for individuals, especially for elderly individuals who may already be more vulnerable to such tactics.

It is essential for authorities to thoroughly investigate these accusations and ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent such predatory practices in the future. Protecting consumers, especially those who may be more susceptible to manipulation, should be a top priority for all businesses operating in the gambling industry.
That is correct the authorities must take a strict action on such companies and they should make sure to give them a fair warning and a fine is necessary as well so that they start working properly indeed actually