Luck vs Odds, something to think about.



You're speakin' my language now, partner. Luck and odds seem like they should be the same thing, but in poker they mean somethin' quite different.

Luck is them fickle turn of the cards. What mysterious force deals from the deck in your favor or against you on any given hand. Luck don't care about the math.

Odds refer to the probabilities and chances calculated by the smart money. Them odds could tell you what plays have the best chance of improve your position or the lowest chance of costing you a pot.
but them odds don't actually deal the cards.

So that's what every good player keeps in mind: luck controls the short term, but odds rule the long game. You can make the smart bets and play the right strategy, but at the end of the day the community cards have to fall your way. One bad beat can undo hours of good play.

The key is knowin' when to follow the odds, and knowin' when to fold because the luck has turned against ya. Respect the odds, but never forget the role of chance. Luck and odds, workin' together yet remainin' apart. Somethin' every player who wants to win in the long run learns to think about.