Man arrested for defecating on premises of Nevada gambling establishment

After he allegedly poop outside of a gaming establishment in Pahrump, Nevada, a naked man was taken into custody last week.

At first, the man removed his clothes—including his camouflage pants—close to the company on Route 160. The local sheriff's department was notified.

At first, the local deputy who had come to investigate could not locate the suspect. The man was discovered to be naked inside a dumpster, however, according to a Verizon Wireless store employee.
It is very unfortunate that some people don't have regard for civility and environment. It is very possible that the man is under intoxication of alcohol or some hard drugs. I don't think a right thinking man will behave like that unless he is under influence of some substance. The best punishment for such person is to do community service like cleaning gutters and sweeping roads.