Michigan Lottery Players Win Big Amounts on Lucky Friday

According to the industry based news , while the 13th is considered non - lucky by the americans but the results of last 8 years lottery prizes the jackpots have shown to be the inverse according to the stats more than 100 players over the last 8 years have won jackpots on the 13th amounting to over $170 million in prizes with harry kent wnining $57 for michigan back in 2008 , the records and facts how that what is said by things some times does not have any evidence to suport back it up as proven fact indeed .
It's interesting to note the phenomenon of winning lottery prizes on the 13th, despite it being considered an unlucky day by many. The idea of Friday the 13th being an unlucky day is a widely held superstition, but as you pointed out, the actual results from lottery jackpots over the last 8 years seem to contradict this belief. The fact that over 100 players have won jackpots on the 13th amounting to over $170 million is quite significant.

The case of Harry Kent winning $57 million for Michigan back in 2008 is a compelling example of a fortunate win on the 13th. This goes to show that superstitions don't always correlate with real-life outcomes. It's essential to rely on concrete data and evidence rather than superstitions or hearsay.

The statistics you mentioned provide concrete evidence that winning on the 13th is very much possible and has happened numerous times over the years. It's a great reminder that luck can come at any time and on any day, regardless of superstitions.