Missouri Has Approved Ballot Measure Language for Sports Betting

Missouri's Secretary of State, Jay Ashcroft, has given approval to the wording for a ballot measure concerning the legalization of sports betting. It has been reported that the measure, which is supported by the state's professional sports teams, is now ready to proceed to the petition stage.

The organizers of the measure now face the task of selecting one out of eight versions, all of which must be presented to voters in order to gather the necessary 170,000 signatures required to include sports betting on the ballot.

The coalition behind the measure has submitted eight different proposed ballot questions, each containing slight variations in language and specifics. Nevertheless, all eight versions propose the implementation of a 10% tax on wagers and advocate for the establishment of a $5 million fund dedicated to addressing problem gambling.

If the measure receives approval, it would grant permission for both retail and online sports betting to be offered by Missouri's professional sports teams and 13 casinos.