New Jersey Underage Gambling Bill Would Afford Offenders Treatment Instead of Fine

Underage gamblers in New Jersey who are found guilty of violating the state law that mandates only people aged 21 and older can Underage gamblers currently face a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000. But three state lawmakers want to rethink how New Jersey penalizes its youth when it comes to unlawful gambling.

New Jersey Senators James Beach (D-Camden), Shirley Turner (D-Mercer), and Patrick Diegnan Jr. (D-Middlesex) introduced Senate Bill 1599 in 2022. The measure seeks to establish a compulsive gambling prevention, education, and treatment program tailored toward underage people who are found guilty of violating New Jersey’s casino law.

SB 1599 stalled in committee last year but was renewed this legislative session. Earlier this month, the Senate Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Prevention Committee unanimously approved the bill by a 5-0 vote