Norway updates its gaming statute to allow DNS blocking of unlawful websites.

The government of Norway has modified its gambling legislation to authorize the nation's regulatory body to restrict unauthorized websites beginning in the upcoming year. Supported by the Ministry of Culture and Equality on October 20 and granted approval by the Council of State on the same day, the revisions to the Gambling Act will empower Lotteritilsynet to compel internet service providers to enforce domain name system blocks on any gambling site that is not legally authorized in the country starting January 1, 2024.
The recent modification to Norway's gambling legislation is significant, as it grants the country's regulatory body, Lotteritilsynet, the authority to block unauthorized gambling websites. This move, supported by the Ministry of Culture and Equality, highlights the government's efforts to establish stricter control over the online gambling industry.

Under the revised Gambling Act, which was approved by the Council of State, Lotteritilsynet will possess the power to compel internet service providers (ISPs) to implement domain name system (DNS) blocks on any gambling site that operates without legal authorization in Norway. This measure is set to come into effect on January 1, 2024.

The main objective behind the DNS blocking initiative is to protect Norwegian players from accessing and engaging with unlicensed gambling platforms. By requiring ISPs to block access to these websites at the DNS level, the government hopes to create a deterrent and limit the exposure of its citizens to potentially harmful or fraudulent gambling services.

While the specific methods for enforcing these DNS blocks have not been disclosed, it is expected that ISPs will be responsible for implementing the necessary technical measures. However, it is worth noting that determined users may find ways to circumvent these blocks, either by using virtual private networks (VPNs) or alternative DNS services.

Norway's decision to empower Lotteritilsynet with the ability to block unauthorized gambling websites aligns with similar practices adopted by other countries aiming to regulate their online gambling markets more effectively. The objective is to channel players towards licensed, regulated, and responsible operators while undermining the presence of illegal gambling platforms in the market.

Nonetheless, it remains to be seen how effective these DNS blocks will be in practice, given the technical challenges involved in blocking access to websites for determined users. It is an ongoing battle for regulators to keep pace with technological advancements and find ways to effectively control the online gambling industry.

The implementation of DNS blocking is just one step in Norway's evolving gambling legislation, indicating a willingness to adapt and enhance its regulatory framework. Continued collaboration between the government, regulators, ISPs, and industry stakeholders will be crucial to ensure a well-balanced and effective approach to online gambling regulation in Norway.