Pennsylvania woman accused of stealing over $100,000 worth of lottery tickets

Allegations have been made against a former employee of the pizzeria regarding theft of lottery tickets valued at over $100,000 during a two-year period. In connection with over $100,000 worth of lottery tickets at a former employer's establishment, a Pennsylvania woman was accused of theft and receiving stolen property, the Westmoreland County District Attorney's Office said
I don't see stealing of lottery tickets as actual stealing because most of the tickets may not have the winning number. Though, it is not normal and unethical for employee to steal what is given to her for management. It is unfortunate that some people are so corrupt and lacks integrity.
This is a significant amount of damage that she has made to the company and she should be given the due treatment so that she can learn his lessons she should be given 10,000 hours of community service to do and fines of top range actually as well indeed