Major casino in the US and Canada offer complimentary meals and hotel accommodation based on a players action.this incentives usually between 10 and 15% of a players average wager, so an average bet of $10 receive between $1 and $1.50 per hour in comps.unlike European casino ,where tipping is not expected,Us and Canadian dealers are paid a minimum wage and don't anticipate deceiving tips.

Mobile and online players get the best of both world,there are no tiping and they get bonuses that are much higher than the comps offered by Land-based casinos .
Why they won't offers such incentives to their customers?. You know how much they have make out of the gambling. Well, it is a welcome development from casinos from both US and Canada. It is an attempt to show appreciation to their teeming customers and also to boost their morale as we are entering the new year.